What is the average weight for a 13-year-old?

  • Post last modified:August 11, 2023
  • Post category:Overweight
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It is vital to know your normal weight no matter your age. This will help you to take measures if your body mass is either too small or large. While 13-year-old children may not realize the importance of healthy body mass, this responsibility falls on their parents and guardians. Being aware of 13-year-old kids’ average body mass can be useful because parents and other representatives in charge of teenagers will be able to control the weight situation of their children. It becomes possible to avoid health risks, for example, obesity, being underweight, diabetes of both types, coronary heart disease, etc.

Average Weight for a 13-Year-Old

The definition of average weight can be equated to the notion of normal human body mass. In case a human weighs more or less than an average weight, it can be a sign of weight troubles. Needless to say, what problems may occur because of excess weight or being underweight?
13-year-old teens undergo weight changes since this is a time when they enter puberty. That’s why it is necessary to know how much kids should weigh at this age in order not to miss significant weight changes. Otherwise, serious health troubles are inevitable.


Speaking about the average weight for a 13-year-old male, healthy body mass is considered between 75 and 145 pounds or 38-51 kg. It is desirable to strive for such a weight. Still, factors, for instance, height, body composition, and lifestyle may cause this weight range to vary.


What is the average weight for a 13-year-old female? This question may appear more complicated than it seems at first. According to research, 13-year-old girls should weigh on average 76 and 148 pounds or 43-52 kg. However, let’s not forget about the above-mentioned factors on which this weight range can vary as well.

Key Factors

Parents and guardians should follow teenagers’ actual weight close to the average one. Nevertheless, there is a need to keep in mind that several factors can influence the weight range of a 13-year-old. Some of these factors are height, body composition, and lifestyle.

For example, the taller the teenager is, the more he or she will weigh. Also, weight range can vary depending on body composition (more muscular 13-year-old children will weigh more because of their muscle weight).

Lifestyle is another factor that impacts weight range. For instance, teenagers who follow a healthy lifestyle will have a normal body mass. Meanwhile, 13-year-old children who stick to an unhealthy lifestyle may face overweight and underweight problems.

How to determine if a 13-year-old is at a healthy weight

Average weight is just an approximate number you should pay attention to. Luckily, it won’t be a problem to discover whether a 13-year-old has a healthy weight. Normal body mass can be determined by the mentioned below methods.


Body mass index (BMI) is a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s mass and his height, and thereby indirectly judge whether the mass is insufficient, normal, or excessive.

Simply speaking, BMI is a standard for calculating body fat percentage utilizing a human’s height and weight. When BMI calculations are conducted for teenagers, their age and sex are taken into account as well. The obtained BMI outcomes help to define whether a teenager’s weight is in a healthy range.

Other methods

Determining normal weight with the assistance of body mass index is common. Yet, there are many other effective ways to measure a healthy weight. For instance, your waist circumference can be a good indicator of either normal or unhealthy weight.

When you measure the waist circumference of your 13-year-old boy or girl and discover excessive abdominal fat, it can be the first signal to start worrying. The reason is obesity-related conditions, for example, diabetes and coronary artery disease that may develop because of excessive abdominal fat.

Factors that can impact a teenager’s weight

It is normal for 13-year-old teenagers to grow. The task of parents and caregivers is to check from time to time whether a kid weighs a healthy amount for their age and height. Moreover, some factors should be taken into account that impacts children’s weight greatly.

Rate of development

Puberty is a time when 8 and 14-year-old children undergo physical changes. If we place 13-year-old teenagers in a single room, we will discover a wide range in body weights. While some children have passed the puberty process, others may only begin to go through all changes. That’s why puberty is one of the reasons why weight in 13-year-old teenagers varies greatly.


As a rule, genetics play a role in a teenager’s weight and body type as well. 13-year-old boys and girls may inherit some genes, for instance, fat distributions or body compositions from their parents. This implies children with various genetic backgrounds will have various body masses, sizes, and shapes.


The geographic location of 13-year-old kids may impact their weight too. It is connected with a set of things, for instance, access to nutritious foods, socioeconomic level, cultural traditions, and more. That’s why the country in which a teenager lives plays a role in their body composition and development.


The lifestyle chosen by a 13-year-old child probably impacts their body mass the most. Following a healthy lifestyle (getting regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and getting plenty of rest) can guarantee a normal weight for a teenager. At the same time, selecting an unhealthy lifestyle (not exercising, not eating enough fruits and vegetables, and not sleeping well) will surely lead to weight and other health problems.

Tips for helping a 13-year-old maintain a healthy weight

Unfortunately, it is impossible to influence such factors as genetics, location, and rate of development that play a role in 13-year-old children’s weight. However, teenagers can still maintain a healthy weight by sticking to particular pieces of advice.


While 13-year-old kids may not understand the seriousness of weight troubles, parents and guardians are those who should maintain teenagers’ weight in a healthy range. It will be proper to encourage regular physical activity and promote healthy eating habits in 13-year-old children.

For instance, you may buy a subscription to the pool or sports hall for your kid. Also, you can go out for morning or evening runs together. Moreover, it would be a great idea to ride bikes together as an effective way to keep fit.

Since you purchase products in your house, make sure there are no harmful foods and drinks, for example, chips, chocolates, soda, etc. in your kitchen. Explain to your 13-year-old the importance of proper nutrition.


Having a positive body image may help your 13-year-old child to maintain a normal weight. How does it work? Teenagers with a positive body image are more likely to have good physical and mental health. But if young people will have negative thoughts and feelings about their bodies all the time, definite mental health conditions, for example, eating disorders and depression will develop.

Positive body image goes beyond what’s reflected in the mirror. It involves having compassion for yourself and admitting the strengths and qualities that make you unique aside from your body shape and weight. One can connect body image with your self-esteem.

In addition to having a positive body image, your 13-year-old should avoid unhealthy dieting practices. Some eating habits can lead to weight gain such as eating too fast, eating when not hungry, eating while standing up, skipping meals, etc. Sticking to healthy dieting practices will assist your child to maintain a normal weight for his or her age.


Knowing the average weight is significant for children of all ages. It will be helpful for parents and caregivers to evaluate whether a kid is underweight or overweight. If some deviations in weight are noticeable, those who are responsible for 13-year-olds’ weight and development may take advantage of the above-discussed recommendations on how to maintain a healthy weight for teenagers.

It is pretty simple to measure and define whether a 13-year-old is at a healthy weight. Nevertheless, one should keep in mind puberty is a reason for a teenager’s BMI and weight to change noticeably for a short period.

The main task of guardians and parents is to follow the child’s weight to be close to average. If some concerns about a teenager’s weight occur, the best solution is to consult a pediatrician.


What is overweight for a 13-year-old?

13-year-old boys should weigh between 75 and 145 pounds while girls 76 and 148 pounds on average. If teenagers’ weight is significantly higher than these indicators, it is considered overweight.

How much should a 13-year-old weigh kg?

38-51 kg is regarded as a normal weight for 13-year-old boys. At the same time, 13-year-old girls should weigh 43-52 kg.

How much weight should a 13-year-old gain in a year?

It is normal for 13-year-old teens to gain weight since they enter puberty. There is no necessity to worry if your child gains 3-5 kg in a year.

Mia Stewart

Mia Stewart is a seasoned writer specializing in articles on healthy living and proper nutrition. With years of experience in the field, she has dedicated herself to promoting a balanced lifestyle. Driven by her passion for wellness, she combines her medical expertise with a knack for writing to deliver insightful and engaging content. Mia dedication to teaching and motivating others is evident in her easy-to-understand and informative writing style, making her a valuable contributor to our blog.